Dive into The Healing Power of Rivers (english original)
We all know how good it feels to spend the day on a beach at the ocean. Sun, wind, and salt water together is a great medicine that can affect us on all levels. Negative Ions at the beach can be 500% higher than inland. Negative ions have been shown to increase levels of serotonin and clear the respiratory system by removing pollutants and allergens. Exposure to sunlight boosts vitamin D which then increases our immune system and improve mood and energy levels. Research has even shown that the rhythmic sound of waves at the beach can help lower cortisol levels, the body´s primary stress hormone. The sensory stimulation from sights, sounds and smells has shown to have profound psychological benefits.
But what if we can´t always travel to some exotic land for a holiday?
What about the waters where we live here in Western Europe?
In a typical urban environment, negative ion concentrations are low, often ranging from 100 to 500 negative ions per cubic centimeter. Negative ion concentrations near waterfalls can be dramatically higher. Measurements near waterfalls often range from 10,000 to over 100,000 negative ions/cm³. Taking an average of the 2 measurements means that there can be more than 16,000% higher levels of negative ions by waterfalls and flowing rivers than in typical urban environments.
In “Kraftplätze” such as canyons, waterfalls, and fast moving rivers those levels could be even as high as 32,000% higher!

Since ancient times Indigenous people have long since known how to access these spaces deeply to receive the maximum healing benefits of water.
The Cherokee from my homeland have over 13 different rituals using water to cleanse and heal. These water purification rituals are integral to the Cherokee way of life, reflecting their deep connection to nature and the belief in the healing and cleansing powers of water. One of their most well-known purification rituals is the “Going to Water” ceremony. This practice involves immersing oneself in a river or stream, often at sunrise, to cleanse and purify the body and spirit. This ceremony is typically conducted by a spiritual leader or elder and is considered a way to wash away negativity and renew one’s spirit. First, clear intentions are set and prayers are said or sung. This establishes a deeper connection to the Spirit of the river and the light shining through the first rays of dawn. Next we surrender to the current, opening ourselves up to this wise and intelligent life force. Our job is simply to let go and allow the water, wind and light to do its job. Often, we face upstream and splash water over our heads and backs. Finally, we immerse ourselves completely in the flowing water, becoming one with it. We end with giving our gratitude to the water.
Don´t worry that you might pollute the water “energetically” as this is one way that rivers can serve Creation. It is part of their calling. Other rituals can be done to support the healing of our waters, and so this give and take is what helps us create a stronger relationship with water.
If you can, try it out for yourself – jump into a creek or river and you will FEEL the benefits immediately.
Below is a poem I wrote after spending a few days alone with a favorite river of mine. I took these photos as I tracked the weather and watched how the colors of the river changed as the thunderstorm came…
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